Would you like to feel body confident at this years Christmas Party?

Want to rock the Little Black Dress?

How amazing would it be to get to the end of December and not have to worry losing the extra lbs?

What if there was a way to get into shape and stay in shape without missing out on all the festive fun? 

Well I have good news for you...

You can! 🙌🏻

The Christmas 8 Week Shred. The solution you've been searching for!

Welcome to the Christmas 8 Week Shred. Designed to have you seeing incredible fat loss results and help you navigate your way through social events, Christmas and New Years.

This time of year is tricky. You kind of want to get into shape but you kind of want to have fun. After all you only I've once!

The intention behind the Christmas 8 Week Shred is this.

Step 1: Get you dropping body fat, build muscle and looking fabulous. 

Step 2: Show you how you can still have fun, go to all the Christmas parties and family gatherings yet still see results! 

Step 3: Help you stay accountable so that you don't undo all your hard work.

Are You Interested? Click the link below to apply  or keep reading for more information. 





 I get it, you want to feel and look your best at this years Christmas parties. What if you could drop a dress size in 8 weeks? Or wear that dress with confidence? That's exactly what the Christmas 8 Week Shred promises to deliver. 


No more confusion or guesswork! We are here to support you every step of the way. We'll provide personalised guidance tailored to your unique needs, helping you overcome obstacles and empowering you with the knowledge to make informed choices. Seeing results and progress each week is the aim of the game and we are here to make sure you do 👊🏻


Say goodbye to restrictive diets that leave you feeling miserable and missing out. You'll receive a nutrition plan that fit's seamlessly into your lifestyle. Our approach emphasises on balanced macros, and portion control, allowing you to enjoy your favourite dishes and alcohol while still achieving your weight loss goals 🙌🏻


Become part of our all female online community. Women just like you, supporting each other. 


WEEKS 1-6 This the main fat loss phase. The ficus here is to lose body fat through nutrition. and exercise whilst enjoying the festive period and the lead up to Christmas

WEEKS 6-8 Is about navigating family gatherings and increased social events without feeling like your on a diet. If you are travelling to see family there will be home workouts, tips and ideas to keep you on track so that you don't start to fall off the wagon and undo all your results. 

FREE WEEK 8-9  This is the week between Christmas and New Years. Typically the hardest week to stay focused what with left overs food, cand drink. With the Christmas 8 Week Shred and it's community keeping you focused you will start 2024 ahead of the game 👊🏻🔥


What Else You'll Achieve:

Sustainable Fat Loss: Wave goodbye to yo-yo dieting and hello to a healthier, fitter you. The 8 Week Shred will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to achieve sustainable weight loss and maintain your results long-term.

Increased Energy: Imagine waking up every day feeling energised, focused, and ready to conquer the world. With our program, you'll experience a surge in vitality as you shed excess weight, improve your fitness levels, and nourish your body with wholesome nutrition.

Boosted Confidence: Reclaim your confidence. As you progress through our program, you'll witness not only physical transformations but also an enhanced sense of self-worth. Say goodbye to insecurities and hello to a newfound love for yourself.

Empowered Lifestyle: The 8 Week Shred is not a temporary fix but a lifestyle transformation. You'll develop healthy habits, gain nutritional knowledge, and learn how to maintain your progress independently. Prepare to embark on a journey that will empower you to take control of your health and transform your life for good!


✔︎ Customised Training Plans. Wether you want to train from home or the gym. 

✔︎ Personalised Nutrition Target depending on your needs and goals. 

✔︎ Weekly Progress Check Ins to ensure you are staying on track.

✔︎ Unlimited Online Support

✔︎ Access to our all female online community WhatsApp and Facebook Group

✔︎ Healthy Christmas Recipes

✔︎ Learn How To Navigate Social Events & See Results. 


Cheers 🥂 I can't wait to support you on your journey.

Vanessa x